Posing Newborns for Photo Shoots
So you want to photo shoot a newborn? Newborn photography shoots require some practice and a lot of patience to ensure that you get the right pose at the right time. Photography Posing newborns is never easy, but here are some tips to help you proceed smoothly and enjoy the experience.
1. Get to know your client, so he or she feels comfortable with you. Find out information like when the mother is due, which hospital she is registered in, and whether the couple has decided on the name. Keep the communication lines open till the day of the shoot. The best time for a professional newborn photography shoot is when the baby is around 10 to 15 days old.
2. Involve the parents early on. Let them know whether you will be using natural light or a flash. Ask about their home and suggest the rooms or places where you could have the newborn photography shoot. Then check the lighting and the direction of the sunlight falling there at the time of the shoot.
3. Be prepared and plan. Encourage them to book at least 2-4 hours of your time, as you need to fit in changing time, feeding time and even a short nap. Tell them to keep a bottle feed ready as an emergency. When the baby is well fed, he sleeps peacefully and can be photographed without disturbance!. And newborns want to be fed every so often! Newborns can get agitated quickly and be quite moody, so make sure you create a nice comfortable atmosphere. This will help you get great shots.
4. Share your plan with them. Find out if they prefer nude shots of the newborn or fully dressed shots. And go prepared accordingly with the necessary newborn photography props. Baskets, blankets, headbands and cute little caps are some of the props that you should carry with you. Ask them if they have their own props, like grandma’s gift or something that they would like for posing their newborn with. Engage the parents, so that they are relaxed.
5. Finally share your newborn posing ideas with them. Newborns don’t pose, so posing newborns is something you have to do creatively. Make sure you use a hand sanitizer before you touch the baby and always ask permission before you want to touch the baby. Besides solo shots, take some family shots. Some newborn photography posing ideas are to have some reference points, like the palm of daddy’s hand, or a basket to show how little they are. And, keep clicking! You’re sure to get some fabulous shots!