Posing newborns is as much an effort of patience and understanding as it is skill and talent. Often, the most appreciated shots are the ones with a plain background. Typically, the baby is nude in these shots with a variety of blankets, hats or cocoons.
This type of photo shows off the beauty of a brand new baby. Posing for this type of picture is almost completely about time and patience. The baby should be sleeping, on his or her tummy. Then, tuck legs up, place hands by head and otherwise maneuver the baby into the desired position. If the baby is to be wearing a hat or other clothing, put those om at this point. A coordinating hat and posing blanket or hat and coccoon is especially sweet.
Another common way that newborn photographers pose babies is by using props. This can mean using bowls, baskets or furniture. A popular prop of late is garden planters shaped like giant tea cups. Using props can also mean using parents or big brothers and sisters.
When using photography props, the baby should continue to be the focal point. Make sure that the prop has blankets and pillows stacked high enough that the baby can be seen and positioned correctly. Then, simply pose the baby as desired. Hats, blankets and outfits go well with this style. Cloth nappies also look good in these photos.
A great newborn photographer will discuss these ideas with you ahead of time and lay out a basic plan. Don't worry if things don't go exactly as desired. Anyone who photographs newborns is prepared for fussiness as well as accidents.
Your Professional Photographer will also have their own newborn posing ideas. The average newborn photo session lasts 3 hours, plus down time for fussiness, bathroom breaks, snacks and other interruptions. Be prepared for a long photo session with many breaks.
Keeping these newborn posing ideas in mind, you and photographer can work together to make sure your baby's photos are as perfect as they are.
Here are some of my favorite Newborn Poses:

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